Thursday, October 25, 2012

Keeping Quiet Can Keep You Out of the Game

Concussions are a serious problem that high school athletes face throughout the season. Whether they are scared to report them because they do not want to lose playing time or that they do not know the symptons of what a concussion are, athletes are hurting themselves because they are not taking proper care of this serious head injury. Concussions can come from many different things, a header in soccer, a tackle in football, or a collision in basketball and there are not certain symptons that make you have a concussion. Symptons range from headaches, dizziness, naseau, sensitivity to light and sound, and lack of focus or attention. Concussions are serious injuries that have lasting impacts athletes. Raising awareness for concussions is important if we want to save our athletes from brain damage now and in the future.
This video I thought was a very good way to show the seriousness of a concussion. Tracy in the video got two concussions back to back and never said anything about the first one. Her decision to not tell anyone about her injury ultimately hurt her in the long run since after this injury she could not play sports anymore. I feel a lot of athletes now-a-days do the same thing and ignore a head injury because they want to continue to play. If we want our athletes to still play we have to tell them about the terrible conditions a concussion can lead to if they do not treat it correctly. Concussions are very serious and I believe all athletes should see videos like this to raise their awareness about the seriousness of a concussion.

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